Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baa~Baa, black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes Sir, Yes Sir, three bags full...at least that is what it looks like on her body! Poor Maria Augusta (affectionately known as Baa~Baa...and she is definitely not poor), did not get sheared before lambing. Of course, sheep don't know when supper time is for people, so she chose to go out to the edge of the pasture just as the chicken was finished on the grill. It is a good thing fajitas are ok warmed over later...and that my husband is more patient than I. It was about more than I could take, watching that little lamb search for his mama's udder under all that wool. I wanted to hold her still and point him in the right direction. But, my shepherd husband got them settled into the barn and bonding nicely.

Love at first sight...Maria Augusta and her moments-old lamb.

A sight for sore eyes...several days later...a happy, healthy ram with his shorn mama.
We are not sure yet what this little fella's name is going to be. But, we are rejoicing in the Providence of God for him. Maria Augusta is rejoicing in having lightened her load, particularly her "three bags full." So, what are we going to do with all that wool? Keep checking in here and at www.whatsoever-things.blogspot.com to find out! We have all sorts of little lovely things planned for all that wool. We just need the time to do them...Providentially!

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