Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let's go down to the river to pray...

Testing the waters
Follow Me

Walking in Newness of Life

Professing Faith in Christ, Joining the Church Visible
Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!
I have no greater joy than to know my children walk in Truth.

All in a Summer's Day...

What else does one do when the weather reaches record highs in the middle of the hottest summer? Plan a family photo shoot, of course! Our dear friend, Rebecca, sojourned across the river to bless us with her time and talents in the midst of a heat wave. Here is just a small sampling of the afternoon's efforts.
Sweeter than the tea...
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalm 16:6

There always has to be one nut in the crowd...playing with suspenders....BOY.

Isabelle has had enough.

Band of Brothers
Photos Courtesy of Perrin Cottage Studios, Willamsburg, VA

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Raising Ebenezer

"For thus far the Lord has helped us." May we continue to give Him glory and praise and thanks for all He gives us...Providentially.

Providence Farm Profundity

Son of My Right Hand (age ten) says with a lack of alacrity, "I run a non-profit organization." He is learning, along with his parents, that farming is hard work...especially organically. There is a reason those things cost more...they cost. Much time, great energy, occasionally blood, plenty of sweat and sometimes tears. It is a faith-building experience to rely upon the Providence of God. It is no small task to do things the way He intended, but ever-so much more rewarding. To know that the food placed before those hungry little souls is edifying physically can be edifying spiritually. It is a matter of good stewardship. We take that very seriously around here. The pay off comes later. We must be patient. We must put our hands to the plow, giving thanks to God for the ability to do so. We must learn our husbandry from The Husbandman. And when we have eaten and are full, we Bless His Name...Providentially.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When Mommy is on the phone.... never knows what may ensue. Often chaos. But today, it was a rousing service in the front hall. I am not sure who was The Preacher today. But I heard plenty of singing and this is what I found.

The Pews...complete with Hymnals and Psalters....and looks like a stray bulletin on the floor.
The Pulpit.

I believe I heard The Elders offering The Bread and The Cup. Then, I guess, singing a hymn, they went out! Home Sweet Church. You know, play is practice for life. I like this kind of play.

Mr. Peabody

It isn't everyday that one finds such visitors in your backyard. I was sweeping the porch when our Happy Protector (who is two) says "Mommy, a BIG bird!" At first glance, I thought a wild turkey made his way into the pasture. Then a closer perusal provided a sight to behold! That was Saturday. He keeps coming back. I think he likes it here. Though, he did strut himself among the roosters today. They probably don't know what to make of him. We are calling him Mr. Peabody, our fine, feathered friend. How kind of God to give such lovely creatures for us to see...Providentially!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just a few things have kept us busy...

Boys. Need I say more?

Twins!! and Triplets, too!! (though we did lose one of those)

And growing girls, just to name a few.

So, please forgive us for not being prolific on the blog lately. We simply haven't had the time...Providentially!

Sixteen Cows

When our oldest son was the age of our youngest son now, he was known to be heard quoting his then-favorite book. "Cowboy Gene was long and lean..." He could recite the entire book. We read it nearly everyday. Now, I am hard pressed to keep his nose out of nearly any book everyday. At least his recitation has taken on greater meaning. But one has to wonder whether his earlier narrations were not somewhat we look across the back forty and see..."no less than sixteen cows.''

Sunday, January 31, 2010

And since we've nowhere to go...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Oh, wait! We do have to go out for chores!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wet, but not forsaken

The year 2010 is off to a slushy start at Providence Farm. It is rather wet, but we are not forsaken. The Hand of Providence holds us safely. In the midst of seemingly difficult times, not really difficult in the light of real suffering across the sphere, we praise Him who is able to keep us from falling. We praise Him this week for dentists and endodontists who are a phone call away, and for pexogenesis. We praise Him for 4x4 tractors, tow ropes and extra vehicles with hitches. We praise Him for unbroken glass and only minor dents. We praise Him for good hay and clean straw when pastures resemble cranberry bogs and rice paddies. We praise Him for 32 out of 35 eggs hatching on the first try. We praise Him for the encouragement and fellowship we enjoy on a weekly basis, but is especially dear in times like these. Praise Him, Praise Him, we can only Praise Him!