Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Fruits

We know that God provides all our needs according to His riches in glory, in Christ Jesus. Recently, that has really hit home! Rendering to God that which is His always comes first. He is faithful to make the rest fall into place, even when it looks impossible. He knows our needs and meets them before we even ask...and abundantly greater than we can imagine when we do! We are very thankful for His provision for us everyday. And when we give in His name...first fruits, He is faithful to give back in ways we do not expect. It is very humbling. We pray for His guidance as we learn to be good stewards...Providentially!

1 comment:

  1. Hear, hear, on the first fruits, albeit when it's zucchini, a bumper crop isn't properly appreciated tehee! Garden is winding down now though! Thanks for the tip on freezer strawberry jam, it's awesome & can't get enough! Thankfully, the strawberries did well this yr! Have a great weekend! Love nana B
