Saturday, August 15, 2009


It's what's for dinner. Providence Farm beef shares are currently available...freshly arrived today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Farm Math

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division...percentage, fractions, decimals, etc. These are but a few topics covered in one subject as school resumes at Providence Farm today.

239+235=one angus steer

128+128=one dexter/angus bull calf

139+140=one dexter/angus heifer calf
12+16+14=what Mama prefers to let others eat.
calf+mama cow's milk+fresh grass & room to roam=Rose Veal

Put them all together and what do you get? A few more coolers, definitely. A new freezer, maybe. Expanded autumn menu, assuredly. A line of customers waiting...Providentially.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breakfast, Boys & Bible

The three Bs...

Brotherly affection. Note that one is pulling toes while the other is kissing them. And Jonathan climbed up there all on his own.

Don't you suppose that all great leaders started out this way? Learning theology at the breakfast table in Daddy's lap (or on his shoulders).

Samuel the prophet, Joshua son of Nun, or Jonathan Edwards?

Yep...they were boys once, too. And may mine not only live up to their names. May they serve Him with even greater fervor.